Since 2017, Voilà! provides various kinds of Organizing Services to simplify and improve people’s lives. Our team of Organizers have always been very passionate and devoted with helping our clients to create peaceful, clutter-free, organized environments. We enjoy helping hands-on with decluttering, organizing, downsizing, staging, packing, unpacking, senior moves, etc., within the South Okanagan, Penticton area. Voilà! is all about simplicity, efficiency, attention to detail, and creativity. Our team loves to inspire and make a difference in people’s lives.


A native of Québec, Maria created Voilà! in 2016 when she realized how much she loves helping people to find the freedom that comes from getting organized and living and working in a clutter-free environment.
In her own home, she's always been focused on living lightly, recycling, reusing and purging. She believes in paying forward by putting her unused items into circulation for others, giving material items to those who will use it now, knowing things circulated back when needed. By creating Voilà!, she's able to share that simplicity. Instead of buying new things she's always trying to find creative ways to reuse what her clients already own.
The spirit of Voilà! is about helping people to get organized better so they can live and work more simply, more efficiently and more peacefully in a healthy, clutter-free environment.
How everything started
Maria has moved more than 22 times in her life. She adapted to her new environments with ease. Always enjoying the moments when she was packing and unpacking her luggage and boxes. This gave her the opportunity to go through everything and let go of what no longer served her. Every time she moved, reorganizing her things allowed her to create a new, beautiful, zen and warm environment in which to live.
Maria has travelled a lot in her life, especially between 2013 and 2016. Leaving Québec with her car, she hit the open road for exploration and self-discovery. She took with her, life and work experiences, having only one goal in mind: to find out what she now wanted to do and where. During those three years she travelled around The United States, driving to Florida, to Arizona and California, flying to Haiti, and going on a cruise to the Bahamas. She drove through Mexico from Monterrey to Cancun then to Puerto Vallarta. She found work here and there to get more experience and money to continue the trip. During her travels, Maria was a server, singer, bartender, manager and public relations assistant. All of these different situations helped her realize what she wanted and no longer wanted in her life. After travelling around British Columbia in 2016, she decided to settle down and establish herself in the beautiful Okanagan Valley. Maria chose to start her own business and live the life she has always dreamed of.

Haiti 2013

Puerto Vallarta 2015

It became clear that she wanted to be her own boss and have her own business. There was only one question left to answer: what would this business be?
Over the summer she asked herself over and over again: What can I do to make a positive change in people's lives? What skills can I offer to help others? What would allow me to tap into my passion and provide me with a good quality of life?
She needed answers to these questions, so she sat down with a pen and some paper, writing down her passions, skills and what she believe she excelled at. She started to think about her life and all her past work experiences.
Maria was an event planner for over 2 years, organizing more than 30 weddings. She earned a university degree in Communication Human Relations at UQÀM, and worked as a social worker for 4 years for homeless women, women in distress and for women and children who were victims of conjugal violence. She was also a teaching assistant at the University of Québec in Montreal, and actively worked in the community as a Tel-Aide listener (phone line for people who are in distress or need help) and as a first responder for assisting people affected by a disaster for the Canadian Red Cross.
Going over her entire life experiences, especially travelling with her car, she realized how much she appreciates simplicity. She loved how organized she was during that journey. Being content in her car, knowing exactly where everything was, it was easy for her to be and stay organized and to keep only what she needed. It dawned upon her that she was naturally organized and always has been.

Arizona 2014
Bahamas 2013

Maria was constantly helping friends and family members with simplifying their lives. It made her realize how passionate she was about decluttering and reorganizing projects. It became clear to her very quickly that she could take her organizational skills and shape it into a professional career.
At that time she didn't realize that it was a real profession! One thing lead to another and after some research, she discovered there were thousand of Professional Organizers. This new “Non Traditional” profession is being offered in Canada, The United States and all over the world. Maria was so excited about her new project that she took an online class with the Professional Organizer Academy. She then got help with Community Futures Okanagan to write her business plan and launched her business!
Maria is from Québec and chose the name Voilà! to connect with her French-Canadian background. It's an expression that is understood and used in the English language, a name that brings positive energy to the accomplishment of a result. Voilà! A simple way to get organized!
When Maria's not reorganizing kitchens or doing some deep closet cleanups, you might find her cooking healthy meals or exercising. She also loves being outside, close to the lake enjoying the warmth and the light of the sun.
Maria loves the life she has created for herself in the beautiful Okanagan Valley. Helping people to live and work more simply, more efficiently and more peacefully fulfills her. She is very passionate about what she does and always loves to have a new home, office or business decluttering and reorganizing project!

Voilà! offers a FREE ½ hour CONSULTATION