A Great Closet Cleanup




My experiences with Voila! continue to be truly exceptional. As we deconstruct the clutter and reclaim space - my house is being transformed back into a home. The resulting vibrational changes in energy and flow from our work together is truly amazing! Maria is gifted in what she does; she carries out tasks with such enthusiastic charm how can one be anything but inspired.
Tish Elkink - Cawston


Maria helped us accomplish in 3 hours what we had been trying to do over the past 5 years. Maybe more important than helping us get rid of the clutter in our walk in closet, she helped us turn what had been a useless storage centre into a full functioning room that we now use as it should be used. She was so focused and hardworking it was inspirational and now we are tackling bigger jobs in the house.
Larry Olson - Penticton
A Functional Reorganized kitchen




Maria was fantastic at helping me declutter and organize my kitchen cupboards, drawers and closets. Having her there made it easier to get the job done in a much shorter time. I love opening drawers, cupboards, and closets and seeing how tidy they look.
Victoria Holbrook - Penticton
A Tidy "Easy-To-Find" Storage Area


It was surprising how quickly this room went from a frustrating mess to a well-organized functional space. In little to no time Maria was able to wrap her head around my vision, she was able to formulate a plan, and jump into action turning this junk storage spot into an accessible and functional area for our staff. Thanks for being the gentle driving force in completing this project. Check out the pic!
Laura Beliveau - Summerland